Otis Orchards Community Church — Welcome
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Resources for Print and Screen BIBLE PROPHECY — Resources for Print and Screen
  Terms Defined
  — Events — — Periods — — Technical Terms —  
  Abomination of Desolation 70th Week: First-Half The Apostasy  
  Battles: Future Battles 70th Week: Mid Come Like a Thief  
  Battles: Gog Magog 70th Week: Second-Half End of the Age  
  Battles: Gog Magog Who Says When 70th Week: End Imminence: Before DOTL  
  Jesus Announces His Kingdom Beginning of Sorrows Imminence: Great Commission  
  Cosmic Signs Great Tribulation Basic Last Trumpet  
  Deliverance-Judgment Same Day Tribulation Is Not Wrath Mark of the Beast  
  DOTL-Coming Connection Unparalleled Time of Trouble Mystery of God  
  Day of the Lord General Unparalleled Time Salvation: 70th Week  
  Judgments Overview Unparalleled Time (Print) Taken-Left  
  Trumpets-Bowls New Jerusalem Terrorist Groups  
  Armageddon Peace and Safety Them That Dwell on the Earth  
  Rapture as a Mystery Future Periods Overview This Generation  
  Believers After Rapture   Who Are the Elect (Print)  
  Rapture-3-Sounds (1Th4:16)      
  Christ Coming Events      
  Christ Coming Terms      
  Christ Coming in Clouds Visible      
  Only One Coming      
  Why Two Comings      
  Second Coming Agenda      
  Two Comings of Messiah (Print)      
  Sorrow Reaction of World      
  Seals: the Conditions      
  Seals: the Details      
  Seals: Parallel (Mt24-Rv6)      
  Seals: Parallel (Print)      
  Seals: Trib. is Not Wrath      
  Seals: Why Not Wrath      
  Seals: Brief Graphic (Print)      
  Seals: Brief Graphic      
  Seals 1-2 (Print)      
  Seals 3-5 (Print)      
  Seals 6-7 (Print)      
  Events Surrounding Resurrection      
  Multi-Event Second Coming      
  What Jesus Commanded to Understand      


An Independent and Evangelical Church Join us on Facebook 23304 E Wellesley Ave.
Otis Orchards, WA 99027
Church Office: 509.926.9552
Pastor Cell: 509.828.8843