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    Arraigned By Date - Most Recent at Top      
    These were written specifically to encourage the saints of Otis Orchards Community Church, and its many friends around the world!      
    2021-07-08 I Do Not Permit a Woman to Teach or to Have Authority Over a Man (1Tm.2:12)      
    2021-07-07 Precious In The Sight of the Lord Is The Death of His Saints (Ps.116:15)      
    2021-07-06 What Are The Lord's Appointed Times? (Le.23)      
    2021-07-05 Is God Immoral For Killing the Canaanites? (Du.7)      
    2021-07-02 5 Things You Should Know About The Devil      
    2021-07-01 The Serving Spiritual Gifts      
    2021-06-30 Why The Majority of Jewish People Reject Jesus?      
    2021-06-29 What Does, 'I Have Overcome the World' Mean? (Jn.16:33)      
    2021-06-28 Judge Not That You Be Not Judged (Mt.7:1)      
    2021-06-25 Should An Unbeliever Participate In Church On The Worship Team?      
    2021-06-24 Is God Male Or Female?      
    2021-06-23 The Believer And The Eternal State      
    2021-06-22 Why Elisha Requested a Double Portion of Elijah's Spirit      
    2021-06-21 The Bible And The Moment Of Death      
    2021-06-18 Implications of 'Do Not Forget the Lord' (Du.8:11)      
    2021-06-17 What Is The Counsel of the Ungodly? (Ps.1:1-2)      
    2021-06-16 What Was God Doing Before He Created Everything?      
    2021-06-15 Who Is The Suffering Servant? (Is.53)      
    2021-06-14 Spiritual Significance of Parting the Red Sea      
    2021-06-11 Why Jesus Did Not Write Any Bible Book      
    2021-06-10 To Cain: Sin Lies At The Door (Ge.4:7)      
    2021-06-09 We Are Hard-Pressed But Not Crushed (2Co.4:8)      
    2021-06-08 Is God Punishing Me For Sins I Committed In the Past?      
    2021-06-07 A Little Leaven Leavens The Whole Lump (Ga.5:9)      
    2021-06-04 God Will Be All in All (1Co.15:28)      
    2021-06-03 Have I Been Born Again?      
    2021-06-02 Why Is There So Much Evil?      
    2021-06-01 What About The Israel Versus Palestinian Issue      
    2021-05-31 Is My Repentance Real If I Keep Committing The Same Sin?      
    2021-05-28 Why Did Esther Say, 'If I Perish, I Perish' (Es.4:16)      
    2021-05-27 What Does It Mean To Heal The Brokenhearted (Is.61:1)      
    2021-05-26 What Does It Mean To Yield To The Spirit?      
    2021-05-25 How Much Of The Bible Is Prophecy?      
    2021-05-24 What Is The Teaching Pastor? (Ep.4:11-14)      
    2021-05-21 He Who Hates His Brother Is In Darkness (1Jn.2:11)      
    2021-05-20 Significance of the Name Faithful and True (Re.19:11)      
    2021-05-19 He Who Has Begun A Good Work In You (Ph.1:6)      
    2021-05-18 What Are The Exceeding Great And Precious Promises? (2Pe.1:4)      
    2021-05-17 How To Speak The Truth To Someone Headed For Disaster (Ezekiel 3)      
    2021-05-14 Whatever Things Are Noble (Ph.4:8)      
    2021-05-13 Why David Said, 'Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me' (Ps.23:6)      
    2021-05-12 Where Do Believers Go After The Rapture?      
    2021-05-11 How To Know If You Are A Lukewarm Christian (Re.3:15-16)      
    2021-05-10 What Is The Gift of Speaking in Tongues?      
    2021-05-07 Faith Is The Evidence Of Things Not Seen (He.11:1)      
    2021-05-06 What Does Paul Mean That 'The Dead In Christ Will Rise First' (1Th.4:16)      
    2021-05-05 While We Were Still Sinners Christ Died For Us (Ro.5:8)      
    2021-05-04 The Fruit of the Womb Is A Reward (Ps.127:3)      
    2021-05-03 Why Are The Righteous As Bold As A Lion? (Pr.28:1)      
    2021-04-30 Why Do Christians Suffer? (Jn.16:33)      
    2021-04-29 Be Angry, And Do Not Sin (Ps.4:4)      
    2021-04-28 Is There Life After Death?      
    2021-04-27 Jesus Said, 'My Sheep Hear My Voice' (Jn.10:27)      
    2021-04-26 Come Boldly To The Throne of Grace (He.4:16)      
    2021-04-23 Let This Mind Be In You Which Was Also In Christ Jesus (Ph.2:5)      
    2021-04-22 Draw Near To God And He Will Draw Near To You (Ja.4:8)      
    2021-04-21 Submit To One Another In The Fear Of God (Ep.5:21)      
    2021-04-20 We Love Him Because He First Loved Us (1Jn.4:19)      
    2021-04-19 What Does God 'Chose Us in Him Before The Foundation of the World' Mean? (Ep.1:4)      
    2021-04-16 How Long Was Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?      
    2021-04-15 You Meant Evil Against Me But God Meant It For Good (Ge.50:20)      
    2021-04-14 Was It Against The Mosaic Law For Boaz to Marry Ruth (Du.23:3)      
    2021-04-13 How Are Two Better Than One? (Ec.4:9)      
    2021-04-12 What Does It Mean, 'God May Be All In All' (1Co.15:28)      
    2021-04-09 How Did Judas Die? and Who Bought The Field? (Mt.27:5-8; Ac.1:18-19)      
    2021-04-08 What Does It Mean 'He Who Wins Souls Is Wise' (Pr.11:30)      
    2021-04-07 Once Saved Always Saved, Is It A License To Sin?      
    2021-04-06 Went To Church And Got Nothing Out Of It!      
    2021-04-05 Why Does A 'Little Sleep' Bring Poverty? (Pr.6:9-11)      
    2021-04-02 The Bible And Dealing With Difficult People      
    2021-04-01 Blessed Are The Meek (Mt.5:5)      
    2021-03-31 What Is 'Repentance From Dead Works' (He.6:1)      
    2021-03-30 I Press Toward The Goal For The Prize (Ph.3:14)      
    2021-03-29 Secret Sins In Our Lives - Solutions      
    2021-03-26 Secret Sins In Our Lives - Consequences      
    2021-03-25 What Is The Significance of He Gives More Grace (Ja.4:6)      
    2021-03-24 In The World You Will Have Tribulation (Jn.16:33)      
    2021-03-23 Jesus Takes It Personally When His People Are Persecuted      
    2021-03-22 Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind (Ph.3:13)      
    2021-03-19 Pulling Down Strongholds (2Co.10:4)      
    2021-03-18 My Strength Is Made Perfect in Weakness (2Co.12:9)      
    2021-03-17 Whatever You Ask In My Name (Jn.14:13)      
    2021-03-16 A Bible Walk Through      
    2021-03-15 Why Must Satan Be Released After the Millennial Kingdom? (Re.20:1-3)      
    2021-03-12 Suffering and When All Things Are Made New (Re.21-22)      
    2021-03-11 Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit      
    2021-03-10 Daniel's Prayer Was Heard But There Were Forces (Da.10)      
    2021-03-09 What Is The Law of Christ? (Ga.6:2)      
    2021-03-08 Does God Speak To Us in A Still Small Voice? (1Ki.19:12)      
    2021-03-05 What Does 'Jesus The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever Mean'? (He.13:8)      
    2021-03-04 What Are The Seals of Revelation 6-8?      
    2021-03-03 Are The Seals of Revelation 6-8 God's Judgment?      
    2021-03-02 What Does Paul Mean By 'Live By Faith'? (Ga.2:20)      
    2021-03-01 What Is The Household of Faith? (Ga.6:10)      
    2021-02-26 How Abraham Knew God Would Provide A Lamb (Ge.22:8)      
    2021-02-25 Under His Wings You Shall Take Refuge (Ps.91:4)      
    2021-02-24 Who Is Jesus?      
    2021-02-23 Can A Believer's Name Be Removed From the Book of Life? (Re.22:19)      
    2021-02-22 What Does 'Precept Upon Precept' Mean? (Is.28:13)      
    2021-02-19 Do We Have A Guardian Angel? (Mt.18:10)      
    2021-02-18 Faithful Are the Wounds of a Friend (Pr.27:6)      
    2021-02-17 What Are The 'Tongues Of Men And Of Angels'? (1Co.13:1)      
    2021-02-16 Why David Said, 'I Will Fear No Evil' (Ps.23:4)      
    2021-02-15 Why should I Become A Christian?      
    2021-02-12 Who Is The Redeemer in the Book of Ruth?      
    2021-02-11 David Asked, “Why Have You Forsaken Me”? (Ps.22:1)      
    2021-02-10 What Does It Mean To Walk In Love (Ep.5:2)      
    2021-02-09 What Does Jesus Mean By 'Your House Is Left To You Desolate? (Mt.23:38)      
    2021-02-08 What Does It Mean 'An Eye For An Eye'? (Ex.21:24)      
    2021-02-05 What Does It Mean That The Blood Is The Life? (Du.12:23)      
    2021-02-04 Why Does The Preacher Conclude All Is Vanity? (Ec.12:8)      
    2021-02-03 What Are The Seventy Weeks of Daniel? (Da.9:24-27)      
    2021-02-02 What Are Unclean Spirits In The Bible?      
    2021-02-01 Calvinism and Arminianism Compared      
    2021-01-29 What Is Man That You Are Mindful of Him (Ps.8:4)      
    2021-01-28 I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You (He.13:5)      
    2021-01-27 What Is A “Fool” In The Book of Proverbs?      
    2021-01-26 What Are “Apples of Gold In Settings of Silver”? (Pr.25:11)      
    2021-01-25 What Does “Not By Might Nor Power, But By My Spirit” Mean? (Zc.4:6)      
    2021-01-22 Why Did Jesus Curse The Fig Tree? (Mt.21:18-20)      
    2021-01-21 Out Of The Mouth of Babes…You Have Perfected Praise (Mt.21:16)      
    2021-01-20 They Shall Become One Flesh (Ge.2:24)      
    2021-01-19 What Does “Eye Has Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard” Mean? (1Co.2:9)      
    2021-01-18 The Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man Avails Much (Ja.5:16)      
    2021-01-15 Let Us Make Man in Our Image (Ge.1:26-27)      
    2021-01-14 What Does It Mean That We Are Children of God? (1Jn.3:1-2)      
    2021-01-13 What Does “In The Beginning Was The Word” Mean? (Jn.1:1)      
    2021-01-12 Faith Comes By Hearing (Ro.10:17)      
    2021-01-11 Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please God (He.11:6)      
    2021-01-08 Humble Yourselves in the Sight of the Lord (Ja.4:10)      
    2021-01-07 Taking Communion in an Unworthy Manner (1Co.11:27)      
    2021-01-06 Why So Many Unconverted People Come to Church      
    2021-01-05 What Is The Meaning of the Exodus From Egypt      
    2021-01-04 What About Sinless Perfection      
    2021-01-01 What Is The Biblical Doctrine of Illumination?      
    2020-12-31 What Is Sexual Immorality?      
    2020-12-30 Before The Day of the Lord      
    2020-12-29 The Great Tribulation Timing      
    2020-12-28 Tribulation Versus The Wrath of God      
    2020-12-25 What Happens After Death?      
    2020-12-24 Significance of Jesus Washing the Feet of the Disciples (Jn.13:1-17)      
    2020-12-23 Why Was Saul's Name Changed to Paul?      
    2020-12-22 Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?      
    2020-12-21 Shekinah Glory And The Magi's Star      
    2020-12-18 The Lord Gave And The Lord Has Taken Away (Jb.1:21)      
    2020-12-17 What Does It Mean That Pride Goes Before A Fall? (Pr.16:18)      
    2020-12-16 What Does It Mean To Be A Slave to Sin? (Jn.8:34)      
    2020-12-15 What Does 'Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone' Mean? (Du.8:3; Mt.4:4)      
    2020-12-14 The Name of the Lord a Strong Tower (Pr.18:10)      
    2020-12-11 What Does It Mean To Wait On The Lord? (Ps.27:14)      
    2020-12-10 Paul Speaks of Itching Ears (2Tm.4:3-4)      
    2020-12-09 Do Not Believe Every Spirit, But Test The Spirits (1Jn.4:1)      
    2020-12-08 Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart (Pr.3:5)      
    2020-12-07 Meditate On These Things (Ph.4:8)      
    2020-12-04 Why Did God Kill Ananias and Sapphira (Ac.5:1-11)      
    2020-12-03 The Bible And Women As Pastors      
    2020-12-02 The Bible and Abortion      
    2020-12-01 Designations of BC and AD in Historical Dating      
    2020-11-30 What Does It Mean To Use Vain Repetitions in Prayer (Mt.6:9)      
    2020-11-27 Take Up His Cross, And Follow Me      
    2020-11-25 The Atheist Is Either An Agnostic Or A Fool      
    2020-11-24 Be Angry And Sin Not (Ep.4:26)      
    2020-11-23 Suicide And The Bible      
    2020-11-20 Alcohol And The Bible      
    2020-11-19 Divorce And Remarriage In The Bible      
    2020-11-18 What Is A Biblical View Of Pets      
    2020-11-17 Is Water Baptism Important?      
    2020-11-16 The Bible And Dinosaurs      
    2020-11-13 Where Did Cain Get His Wife?      
    2020-11-12 Render To Caesar What Is Caesar's And To God What Is God's (Mt.22:15-22)      
    2020-11-11 Wise As Serpents And Harmless As Doves (Mt.10:16)      
    2020-11-10 What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality?      
    2020-11-09 What Is The Judgment Seat of Christ?      
    2020-11-06 Why Confess Sins If We Are Already Forgiven?      
    2020-11-05 Where Two Or Three Are Gathered Together (Mt.18:20)      
    2020-11-04 Is It Selfish To Pray For Joy?      
    2020-11-03 When Does God Harden a Sinner's Heart? (Ro.1:24-28)      
    2020-11-02 How Do I Recover From An Unbearable Tragedy? (Ro.8:28)      
    2020-10-30 Where Was Jesus Between His Death and Resurrection? (1Pe.3:18-20)      
    2020-10-29 Age of Accountability in the Bible      
    2020-10-28 Can Faith Really Move Mountains? (Mt.17:14-21)      
    2020-10-27 What About Christmas?      
    2020-10-26 What Is The Whole Armor of God? (Ep.6:12-18)      
    2020-10-23 What About Those Who Have Never Heard About Jesus      
    2020-10-22 How Our Resurrected Body Will Be Different      
    2020-10-21 Is The Great Commission For Every Christian?      
    2020-10-20 How Should I Handle My Life Regrets?      
    2020-10-19 Who Is God?      
    2020-10-16 Where Did Satan's First Desire For Evil Come From?      
    2020-10-15 What Is Grace?      
    2020-10-14 How Do We Get Tricked into Sin? (Ro.6:22-23)      
    2020-10-13 Always Learning But Never Able To Come To The Knowledge of the Truth (2Tm.3:6-7)      
    2020-10-12 What Is The Sin NOT Leading To Death (1Jn.5:16-17)      
    2020-10-09 Why The Demons Asked To Be Sent Into The Pigs (Mt.8:28-34)      
    2020-10-08 Should Christians Tolerate False Religious Beliefs?      
    2020-10-07 Why Do I Need to Read the Bible When We Have Bible Teachers Online?      
    2020-10-06 Why Is the Bible So Violent?      
    2020-10-05 Illumination by the Holy Spirit      
    2020-10-02 The Gospel Is The Most Terrifying and the Sweetest Truth of Scripture      
    2020-10-01 What Does It Mean 'By the Spirit You Put to Death'? (Ro.8:13)      
    2020-09-30 Who Is Melchizedek? (Ge.14; Ps.110; He.7)      
    2020-09-29 Was Jesus Real?      
    2020-09-28 Does God Sometimes Withdraw From Believers? (He.13:5)      
    2020-09-25 Is It Important to Confess My Sin to Someone Other Than God? (Ja.5:16)      
    2020-09-24 Who Were the Nephilim (Giants)?      
    2020-09-23 Must We Say 'According to His Will' in Prayer? (1Jn.5:14)      
    2020-09-22 How Do I Tell If I Am Lukewarm? (Rv.3:14-22)      
    2020-09-21 Can A Christian Accidentally Take The Mark of the Beast? (Rv.13)      
    2020-09-18 What Is the Purpose of Fasting?      
    2020-09-17 Why Is It Better That Christ Went Away (Jn.16:7)?      
    2020-09-16 What Is The Significance of Simon Carrying Jesus' Cross?      
    2020-09-15 How Do I Glorify God in My Daily Life?      
    2020-09-14 Does My Soul Sleep After Death?      
    2020-09-11 How Do I Know If I Am Being Disciplined By God      
    2020-09-10 Is the Bible Inerrant or Infallible?      
    2020-09-09 Does God Hear The Prayers of Unbelievers?      
    2020-09-08 Does Each Sin Cost Me An Eternal Reward?      
    2020-09-07 Why You Matter To God - In His Image      
    2020-09-04 I Feel Unappreciated, How Should I Respond?      
    2020-09-03 Five Distinguishing Marks of A True Conversion      
    2020-09-02 'Go' Versus 'Stay' in Our Ministry Calling      
    2020-09-01 Is God Calling Me to Missions?      
    2020-08-31 Should I Confront Sin in My Non-Christian Friends?      
    2020-08-28 Parable of the 10 Virgins (Mt.25:1-13)      
    2020-08-27 When God Answers 'No' to Our Prayers      
    2020-08-26 Universalism And Why We Need To Oppose It      
    2020-08-25 If God is Just Then Why Give Eternal Punishment for Temporal Sin?      
    2020-08-24 Does Bible Study Always End With Application?      
    2020-08-21 What Does It Look Like To Trust in Jesus?      
    2020-08-20 Fighting Loneliness      
    2020-08-19 Are My Prayers Pointless, Since God is Sovereign?      
    2020-08-18 How To Recognize Those Who Believe The Prosperity Gospel      
    2020-08-17 How Do I Honor God in Pain? (2 Corinthians)      
    2020-08-14 Sovereign Comfort In Uncertain Times (Mt.28:16-20)      
    2020-08-13 Why Is There Emphasis On Jesus' Name?      
    2020-08-12 How Do I Make Time For The Bible? (Lk.10:38-42)      
    2020-08-11 To Whom Did Jesus Pay Our Ransom? (1Tm.2:6)      
    2020-08-10 Will Christians Someday Judge Angels? (1Co.6:3)      
    2020-08-07 Holy Living, Like Salt, Halts Corruption      
    2020-08-06 Is Jesus Sovereign Over Every Storm?      
    2020-08-05 Do Unbelievers Ever Please God (He.11:6)      
    2020-08-04 Examine Yourselves Whether You Are in the Faith (2Co.13:5-7)      
    2020-08-03 Matthew's Warnings to False Disciples (Matthew selective)      
    2020-07-31 How Do I Live Like a Son Rather than a Slave? (Lk.15:11-32)      
    2020-07-30 What Is Union with Christ?      
    2020-07-29 How Can I Jumpstart My Prayer Life?      
    2020-07-28 How Do I Cast My Anxieties on the Lord? (1 Peter 5:7)      
    2020-07-27 Should I Ask For Forgiveness Since Christ Died For All My Sins?      
    2020-07-24 Does God Want Me To Be Happy or Holy?      
    2020-07-23 Do I Need To Understand the Trinity?      
    2020-07-22 How Do I Find Freedom From Worry?      
    2020-07-21 If I Am Dead to Sin, Why Must I Kill It Everyday?      
    2020-07-20 Why Is God So Hidden      
    2020-07-17 Judas: Better If Not Born (Mt.26:24)      
    2020-07-16 Why Satan “Must” Be Released (Rv.20:3)      
    2020-07-15 How Do I Know the Holy Spirit is in Me?      
    2020-07-14 Will We Meet Jesus as Soon as We Die?      
    2020-07-13 Did Judas Iscariot Lose His Salvation?      
    2020-07-10 Bible Study Process Outline      
    2020-07-09 Mediocrity of Modern American Churches      
    2020-07-08 How To Spot a Deceived Person      
    2020-07-07 Is Suffering a Privilege? (Ph.1:29)      
    2020-07-06 The Problem of Evil in the World      
    2020-07-03 Those Taken and Those Left Behind (Mt.24:36-41)      
    2020-07-02 Does Jesus Stand at the Door of Your Heart (Rv.3:20)      
    2020-06-30 The Will of God      
    2020-06-29 Biblical View of The Heart      
    2020-06-26 Does ‘Willful Sinning’ Threaten My Salvation?      
    2020-06-25 Why It Is Impossible For Christians To Lose Their Salvation (He.7:25)      
    2020-06-24 If My People (2 Chronicles 7:14)      
    2020-06-23 Where Is The Promise of His Coming (2 Peter 3) — (Delay, Mockers, and Date Setters, O My!)      
    2020-06-22 The Coming of Christ is Blessing Followed by God's Judgment      
    2020-06-19 The Visible Coming Is Our Expectation (Various)      
    2020-06-18 What Does in The Twinkling of an Eye Mean? (1Co.15:51-53)      
    2020-06-17 Why Pre-Millennial Theology Matters      
    2020-06-16 Are All Sins Equal?      
    2020-06-15 Jesus Is Praying For You (Lk.22:31-32)      
    2020-06-12 Your Suffering Is Working For You (2Co.4:16-18)      
    2020-06-11 Why God Saves Us Slowly (2Co.4:16-18)      
    2020-06-10 What Are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven? (Mt.16:15-19)      
    2020-06-09 You Shall Receive Power (Ac.1:8)      
    2020-06-05 We Know That All Things Work Together (Rm.8:28)      
    2020-06-04 My God Shall Supply All Your Need (Ph.4:19)      
    2020-06-03 I Know the Thoughts That I Think Toward You (Je.29:11)      
    2020-06-02 I Can Do All Things (Ph.4:13)      
    2020-06-01 Crucified With Christ (Ga.2:20)      
    2020-05-29 Working Out Your Own Salvation (Ph.2:12)      
    2020-05-28 What About Those Who Have Never Heard of Jesus (Jn.15:22)      
    2020-05-27 Count the Cost (Lk.14:25-33)      
    2020-05-26 Sowing and Reaping      
    2020-05-25 Does God Intervene      
    2020-05-22 Repentance vs Faith      
    2020-05-21 God's Promises of Reward      
    2020-05-20 Promises Yea and Amen      
    2020-05-19 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit      
    2020-05-18 Security of Salvation      
    2020-05-15 The Problem of Evil (Lk.13:1-5)      
    2020-05-14 Christian Baptism      
    2020-05-13 Fruit of the Spirit (Part 3 of 3)      
    2020-05-12 Fruit of the Spirit (Part 2 of 3)      
    2020-05-11 Fruit of the Spirit (Part 1 of 3)      
    2020-05-08 Evangelism Questions To Ask      
    2020-05-07 One Verse Evangelism — Romans 6:23      
    2020-05-06 The Romans Road Walk Through      
    2020-05-05 The Romans Road with Focus on Sin and Death      
    2020-05-04 The Romans Road to Salvation Introduction      
    2020-04-30 If I Were the Devil” Transcript by Paul Harvey (1965)      
    2020-04-29 Angels as Ministering Spirits      
    2020-04-28 Spiritual Attack      
    2020-04-27 The Power of Death      
  2020-04-24 The Power of Gratitude
    2020-04-23 Ministry of Reconciliation      
    2020-04-22 Priesthood of the Believer is Private      
    2020-04-21 Ambassador of Christ is Public      
    2020-04-20 Hope In God — Remember the Past      
    2020-04-17 Pursuit of Peace      
  2020-04-16 Peace with God - Peace of God
    2020-04-15 Assurance of Salvation      
    2020-04-14 Is There A Hell?      
    2020-04-13 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled      
    2020-04-10 “Good Friday” Purchase Spices      
    2020-04-09 Feast of Unleavened Bread      
    2020-04-08 What Day Was Jesus Crucified On?      
    2020-04-07 Self-Judgment or Confession      
    2020-04-06 A Pandemic Few Talk About      
    2020-04-03 God's Providence      
    2020-04-02 Tickled or Hearing Ears      
    2020-04-01 Is The World In A Set-up Mode      
    2020-03-30 Peace and Safety vs the Prince of Peace      
    2020-03-28 Eschatology Matters      
    2020-03-27 Could God Use This Virus to Start a Christian Revival      
    2020-03-26 Bible Prophecy and the Coronavirus      
    2020-03-25 God's Thoughts and Ours      
    2020-03-24 Will Christians Be Blamed      
    2020-03-23 Our God Is Still on the Throne      


An Independent and Evangelical Church Join us on Facebook 23304 E Wellesley Ave.
Otis Orchards, WA 99027
Church Office: 509.926.9552
Church Cell: 509.342.9145