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  2020-04-14 Is There A Hell?      
    Is There A Hell?

There are concepts that can encourage and motivate us to action.
Yesterday we referred to the future reality of being in the presence of Christ.
Today another concept that is rarely discussed is the doctrine of Hell.
It is so horrible that many try to minimize it to simply separation from God. This does no justice to the reality of what Hell really is.

Does the doctrine of Hell motivate believers to action?
When we really get a glimpse of Hell, it puts faces of people we know before us who are heading there.
We want to do something about that. Believers are often more scared for their friends and family who are going to Hell, and do not know it.
It is our responsibility to help them to understand.

Who told us the most about Hell? Jesus. He talked about Hell more than any other person in the Bible.
What are some of the characteristics of Hell?
1. The fire of Hell is “not quenched” (Mk.9:43-48). That is, the fire never goes out.
2. The fire causes torment (Lk.16:23-24; Jude 7).
3. It is a place of dismal darkness (Jude 6).
4. It is a place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mt.22:13).
5. Satan will be there. It is not a time of party, and he is NOT in control (Is.14:11-12). He also is being judged!
6. There will be no rest from the torments that will continue “for ever and ever” (Rv.14:11).
7. The torment will be “in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb” [Jesus] (Rv.14:10).

When we think about these kind of conditions it should renew our efforts to share the gospel to those we know are lost.
All of us were born in a state of “condemned already” (Jn.3:18). That is, the wrath of God abides upon us (Jn.3:36).
This is why we must tell unbelievers about their sin, and point them to Jesus, Who alone can forgive us of sin.
In short, if anyone has not been “born again” (Jn.3:3), by putting their trust in Jesus Christ, they are already on their way to an eternity in Hell.

Heb 10:31  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. 
Pastor Tom Elseroad



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