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  2020-05-07 One Verse Evangelism — Romans 6:23      
    When telling someone about the great news of Jesus, sometimes we may sense having only a small amount of time.
An easy solution is to use just one verse.
One verse that really works well is Romans 6:23
Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Allow me to highlight key words in this verse:
WAGES. This is what we receive for what we have done.
There is a cost or wage for our actions and thoughts.

SIN. Child Evangelism Fellowship has a simple definition.
Sin is what we do in thought, word, or deed that does not please God.
It is important to express how that we are all guilty of sin.

DEATH. Death is the wage or cost for our sin.
We live our lives as spiritually dead people.
All of us are dead. We are born that way!
We are walking around physically, but we are dead spiritually.
When we die, if we have not trusted in Christ, we will continue to be spiritually dead, but it will last forever, but in judgment.
We will have no hope of that ever changing.
Death is eternal judgment as payment.
Some soften the “death” language to separation.
Though partially true, making it sound nicer does not help the person understand the seriousness of his situation.

BUT. This is the wonderful contrast between the bad news and the great news.
The first half of the verse emphasizes we really have a problem.
But now the verse goes on to tell us there is an answer to our condition.

GIFT. Something freely given and freely received.
The wage we deserve is death, but there is a gift offered to all.

GOD. It was God that pronounced that the cost of sin is death.
So it is God that reverses that pronouncement by offering His Son to die on our behalf.

ETERNAL LIFE. Receiving God's forgiveness, abundant life now, and Heaven forever.
Eternal life is the Gift God is offering to undeserving sinners.

JESUS CHRIST. This gift only comes through Jesus Christ.
Our Lord lived a sinless life.
He died to pay the penalty for our sins.
He rose from the dead which affirms the Father's satisfaction for Christ's death.
He offers the gift of eternal life to all who believe on Jesus Christ.
To believe on Jesus is to transfer your confidence in self, and placing it now upon Jesus.
Pastor Tom Elseroad

    The link below provides a visual presentation of Romans 6:23


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Otis Orchards, WA 99027
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