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  2020-07-08 How to Spot a Deceived Person?      
    How can a deceived person know he is deceived?
How can we spot someone who is deceived?

Here is what to look for.
When looking for someone who is deceived, look for people who are seeking feelings, blessings, experiences, etc.
They are only interested in the by-products of the faith, but not in Christ.
They are not interested in the glory, honor, and the wonder of Christ.
They do not want to love, obey, submit, or to serve Him.
They are only there for the by-products of that which is attached to Him.
The by-products are simply what they want.

They ask for blessings, give me spiritual experience, give me spiritual feelings, prosperity, etc.
Just a few years ago the so-called prosperity gospel (health, wealth, prosperity) was a small part of the Pentecostal movement.
Now it has swallowed the whole movement. It has NOTHING to do with the gospel of Christ.
It is being exported from North America to other continents selling a bill of goods to the poorest of the poor.
The whole movement is based upon giving people the products of God, but not God.
It elevates gifts above the Giver.

They are not looking for Christ.
We say, “Let me have Christ whether I am sick or well”.
We say, “Let me have Christ whether I am rich or poor”.
We say, “Let me have Christ whether I am alive or dead”.
We need Christ above all things.
We want Christ as our Savior and our guide.
I do not care whether I have anything but Christ.
In many of today's churches, if they hear a message of Christ alone, the people would thin out quickly.

The gospel does not offer to the sinner what the sinner naturally wants (Jn.3:19; 1Co.2:14).
What does a natural sinner want?
Good feelings. Blessings. Happiness. Riches. Success. A bunch of angels working for him. You name it.
These are the things unregenerate people want naturally.

This is not the result of the work of the Holy Spirit in an unregenerate heart.
The gospel does not promise what the sinner already wants.
It promises what the sinner does not want naturally.
And that is righteousness, holiness, forgiveness, and dominating all these, Christ Himself!
Apart from the work of the Holy Spirit man will always reject the gospel (Jn.1:12-13).

What is the attitude of the world toward Christ? They hate Him.
This is why we read about Christians being persecuted (Mt.10:22; Jn.15:19).
Mat 10:22 And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
If they hate Christ they will hate you.

Look for the people who want all the things unregenerate people want, rather than Christ.
That is a deceived person.
Pastor Tom Elseroad



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Otis Orchards, WA 99027
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