2020-09-03 | Five Distinguishing Marks of A True Conversion | ||||
It is not hard to notice that there are those who are deceived whether
they are truly saved. For example the parable of the soils where certain seeds spring up quickly, and then die out (Mt.13:5-6, 21) Also, at the end of the age some will say, “Lord, Lord” to Jesus who actually does not know Him (Mt.7:21-22). So it seems important that we look at Scripture for distinguishing marks that validates the truth of our conversion. This question of assurance is so important in the day in which we live. It was also important at the time of Jonathan Edwards. In 1741 he preached, “The Distinguishing Marks of the Work of the Spirit of God”. He exposited 1 John chapter 4 for the content of this message. He saw revivals breaking out, but there were also false conversions as well. So what are the distinguishing marks for the Holy Spirit of God working in the life of a true believer? It is likely to be a true conversion if… 1. Your experience results in a greater honor and worship of Jesus Jesus is the redeemer, and the Savior for man's sin. So our love for Him will be seen by yourself and those around you. 2. Your experience results in a greater honor of God's Word Do you find yourself loving God's Word more than you did before you were converted? Maybe you were interested in the Word of God on maybe a theoretical or historical level, but now it is critical to get through the day. The Word of God is more precious to you than silver and gold. 3. Your experience results in a greater LOVE Love for who? Love for God primarily, but also love for other people A true conversion will result in a greater love for mankind and his lost condition. He will grow in love for his neighbor, family, work colleagues, and members of the church. This is not love in a mere theoretical sense, but you actually love people in your attitude and actions. 4. Your experience results in a greater love for the truth We mentioned the Word of God, but here it refers to Christian doctrine. We love to talk about God and the doctrines like the trinity, return of Christ, grace of God. You look forward to talking with other believers about these truths. They excite you. We also love the truth about ourselves, and the world around us. 5. Your experience results in a hatred for sin Four loves and one hate. A truly converted person should hate sin. And whose sin should he hate most of all? His own! A truly converted person will hate his own sin and should be apparent in their lives. Sin is any lack of conformity to the law of God. As the redeemed of God we want to be obedient. Pastor Tom Elseroad |
An Independent and Evangelical Church | 23304 E Wellesley
Ave. Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Church Office: 509.926.9552 tomelseroad@gmail.com |