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  2020-10-19 Who Is God?      
    Why did God identify Himself as “I AM WHO I AM”? God said, I absolutely AM.
This is staggering. What sentence could be more important in any language?
What did God mean when He said, I AM WHO I AM?
Until God becomes dominant in our thinking everything else we do will be of little significance.
Here are 10 things about God to note:

01. God Is Who He Is Means He Never Had a Beginning
Every child asks his parents, Where did God come from? or Who made God?
Every wise parent answers, Nobody made God. He just was always there.

02. God Is Who He Is Means He Will Never End
If God did not come into being He cannot go out of being because He is Being.
There is no place to go outside of being.
Before He creates He is all there is.

03. God Is Who He Is Means He is Absolute Reality.
There was no reality before Him. There is no reality outside of Him.
He is not one of many realities. He is all there was, eternality.
There was no space. Space did not exist. The universe did not exist.
Emptiness did not exist. Only God existed forever.

04. God Is Who He Is Means He is Utterly Independant.
He depends on nothing to bring Him into being. He depends on nothing to support Him.

05. God Is Who He Is Means Everything That Is Not God Depends Totally on God.
All that is not God is secondary and dependent on God.
All the universe, all humanity is secondary. God is primary and first.

06. God Is Who He Is Means All the Universe is by Comparison to God as Nothing.
As a bubble to the ocean all the universe is secondary.
All that we see. All that you are amazed by, is when compared to God is nothing.
If you put God on one side of the scales and the universe on the other side of the scale, the universe goes up like air or dust on the scale.
Isa 40:17  All nations before Him are as nothing, And they are counted by Him less than nothing and worthless.

07. God Is Who He Is Means He Is Constant
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (He.13:8).
He cannot be improved. He cannot be diminished. He is not becoming anything.
He is who He is. There is no development in God. There is no progress in God.
Absolute perfection cannot be improved.

08. God Is Who He Is Means He Is The Absolute Standard of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
There is no lawbook which He consults in deciding what is right, excellent, and beautiful.
He is the standard. He is the standard of the right, the good, and the beautiful.

09. God Is Who He Is Means He Does Whatever He Pleases and It Is Always Right, Beautiful and True.
There are no constraints outside that He does not will to exist.
There are no constraints that do not originate from His own will.
All reality that is outside of Him is subordinate to him.
He is utterly free. He is the only free being in the universe.

10. God Is Who He Is Means He is the Greatest, The Most Beautiful, The Most Valuable and Most Important Person in existence
He is more worthy of interest, attention, adoration, and enjoyment than all persons, and realities put together.

The Bible reveals and assumes THAT God, everywhere!
There is more to God than these, but there certainly is nothing less than these.
Pastor Tom Elseroad


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Otis Orchards, WA 99027
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