2020-11-24 | Be Angry And Sin Not (Ep.4:26) | ||||
Eph 4:26 "BE ANGRY, AND DO NOT SIN": do not
let the sun go down on your wrath The way this verse is often taught is that if you have a spat with your spouse, then you need to make sure you makeup before you go to bed. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. This is probably good marital advice. But it is not what this verse is talking about. “Be angry” is a second person plural imperative. This is a command. “Be angry”. Sounds strange, but it is a command to be angry. Since it is a command to be angry, then whatever this anger is must not be inherently sinful. If it was sinful it would not be a command to do it. So if it is not inherently sinful why does it matter if the sun goes down on it or not? The object of this anger is sin. Thus, the idea is to 'be angry at sin'. The phrase “do not let the sun go down” brings to mind Joshua's long day (Js.10). You remember Joshua went to battle with the Amorites. As long as the sun did not go down Israel was victorious against her enemy. So be angry at your sin. Stay angry at your sin. Do not dare let the sun go down on your fight against the enemy, sin. Let's consider the context by looking at the verse before and after verse 26. Eph 4:25 Therefore, putting away lying, "LET EACH ONE OF YOU SPEAK TRUTH WITH HIS NEIGHBOR," for we are members of one another. Putting away lying is sin. Then 'be angry, don't sin' (v.26). Eph 4:27 nor give place to the devil. When is it that the devil has a 'place' or opportunity in our lives? It is when we are no longer at war with our sin. When we are not angry at our sin. The Bible uses two words that describe anger (1) 'orge' or (2) 'thumos'. The Greek word, 'Orge' refers to a deep seated settled disposition of anger that remains and never subsides. It is just there. The Greek word, 'thumos' is an explosive outburst of anger. It is over quickly. The word Paul uses here is 'orge' which is the deep seated settled disposition of anger. Paul is saying, 'be angry at your sin'. Have this settled disposition of anger at your sin. And do not dare let the sun go down on that anger. Be angry, and stay angry at your sin. As Christians this is what we must do. We must go to war against our sin. Rom 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. As Christians we are to be angry and we are to stay angry at our sin. When we are not at war with our sin and we become complacent that is when we “give place to the devil” (v.27). When we are not angry at sin that is when we are most susceptible to temptation. Be angry, and stay angry at your sin is our sanctifying calling! Pastor Tom Elseroad |
An Independent and Evangelical Church | 23304 E Wellesley
Ave. Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Church Office: 509.926.9552 tomelseroad@gmail.com |