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  2020-12-14 The Name of the Lord a Strong Tower (Pr.18:10)      
    Pro 18:10  The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.

God refers to Himself in a number of ways. He is our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, our shield, our stronghold, etc.
Names in ancient times were much more than a random identifier as it seems today.
Often someone's name represented the character or authority of the person.
With God His person and His name cannot be separated.
The name of the Lord is equivalent to the Lord Himself.

The Lord’s name is a strong tower because the infinite heights and depths of His person, presence, and power are apprehended in that name.
Believers can run to God who can set us on high in His tower of protection. We become safe from all harm.
The name of the Lord speaks of His revealed character from Scripture.
Psa 61:1  Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer.
Psa 61:2  From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psa 61:3  For You have been a shelter for me, A strong tower from the enemy.

The picture is that God lifts us high above the troubles of life.
It gives us better perspective, and we are confident God has it all in control.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower because He is our defense (Ps.91:2).
The name of the Lord and the character of God are interchangeable phrases.
God makes His character known to us through His Word.

Do a study of the names of God and you will grow more in confidence in Him.
As Elohim, He is Creator.
As Yahweh, He is the covenant-keeping, eternal I AM.
As El Shaddai, He is the all-sufficient, all-powerful, God Almighty.
As Jehovah Jireh, He is our Provider.
As Yeshua, He is our Savior.

He is the Good Shepherd, who leads, guides, and protects.
He is the Lamb of God, who lays down His life for us.
One aspect of God's nature is that He is strong.
He is a high tower offering a citadel of safety capable of holding off every hostile attack.
Into this tower, the righteous can run and hide, safely guarded above all danger.

Psa 27:5  For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.
When we call upon the name of the Lord (Jl.2:32; Ro.10:13), we call upon God Himself.
The Lord’s name signifies everything that God is in Himself.
Everyone who knows and trusts in Him discovers that He is indeed a strong tower.
Pastor Tom Elseroad


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