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  2020-12-29 The Great Tribulation Timing      
Based on the prophecy from Daniel 9:24-27 we understand there will be a future period of 7 years.
We call it the 70th Week of Daniel.
The first 69 weeks were related to Israel and the last week (70th) will be as well.
One of the great and unfortunate assumptions is that this entire 70th Week is a period of “tribulation.”
Daniel's 70th Week is made up of both a time of tribulation and a time of God's wrath (Day of the Lord).
They are distinct in every way. The purpose, source, and timeframe are clearly unique to each other.

Daniel's 70th Week begins at the covenant made between the “Prince” (Antichrist) and Israel (Da.9:27, “one week”).
As a result of this agreement the 70th Week will initially be a time of relative “peace” for Israel (Is.38:8,11,14, Israel will dwell “safely”).
At first this Prince will appear as a benevolent dictator. He may even solve some world problems.
For Israel this covenant (Da.9) represents a national apostasy because they are attempting to realize Messianic promises through a human agency.
Nationally, Israel is still in unbelief concerning Jesus (Zp.2:1-2).

The prince (Antichrist) will grow in power like a horn grows out of an animal's head (Da.7:7-8).
He will not yet have enough control to implement his beast system (Re.13:1-10).
There will be a 10 nation confederacy, of which the Prince will conquer 3 (Da.7:24).
There are two 3 1/2 year parts to Daniel's 70th Week. This is the first 3 1/2 years.
At this point the Great Tribulation has not begun, nor the Day of the Lord's wrath which will occur after the Great Tribulation.

When the Prince is apparently resurrected he becomes known as the “Beast” (Re.13:1-3).
His reign will be for 42 months, or the last half of Daniel's 70th Week (Re.13:5).
This begins the second half of Daniel's 70th Week. And it begins the Great Tribulation period (Mt.24:21).
Jesus and Paul both spoke of this exact time and event (Mt.24:15; 2Th.2:1-4).

The Prince will receive a deadly wound, but is healed (Re.13:2-3).
He will experience an apparent assassination and satanic resurrection making him appear like the Messiah.
The Prince, by now known as the Beast or Antichrist, will perform an “abomination” in the Temple (Mt.24:15; Da.11:31; 12:11; Re.13:14-18).
Daniel tells us the Prince will break his agreement with Israel in the middle of the 7 year period (Da.9:27).

Paul spoke of this same event as well (2Th.2:1-4).
There will be a “falling away” (Greek apostasia), and the man of sin will be “revealed” for who he is (Antichrist).
The Antichrist will exalt himself even calling himself “God” (2Th.2:4).
When this takes place the “Great Tribulation” period begins (Mt.24:21).

This period of tribulation will end (Mt.24:29), or as Jesus says, be “shortened” (Mt.24:22) when He comes to receive us (Mt.24:29-31).
So from the time the great tribulation begins (mid-point of 70th Week) until Jesus returns to receive us (rapture), is unknown (Mt.24:36)!
When Jesus returns it will begin the Day of the Lord, bringing His wrath upon all the unbelievers on the earth (Rv.6:15-17).

Believers are promised that we will not see or experience the wrath of God (1Th.1:10; 5:10).
1 Th 1:10   And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
1 Th 5:9   For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

These verses are specific. We will not see God's wrath poured out, because we are raptured first.
But these verses do not promise protection from persecution or tribulation.
Pastor Tom Elseroad


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Otis Orchards, WA 99027
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