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  2021-03-19 Pulling Down Strongholds (2Co.10:4)      
    2Co 10:4  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,

Paul was instrumental in starting the church in Corinth.
Unfortunately, there were deceivers who were stirring up divisions in the church.
In 2 Corinthians Paul challenged these false teachers and rebels, while reinforcing his apostolic ministry.
As part of Paul's defense, he said, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (v.4).
In this context, “pulling down strongholds” refers to demolishing walls of resistance in people's minds.
Specifically, Paul was referring to the rebellious Corinthians and their understanding of his apostleship.

Paul realized that the battle he faced in Corinth was spiritual not worldly (Ep.6:12).
Eph 6:12  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
He founded the Corinthian church in “meekness and gentleness of Christ” (v.1)
He did not lord over the church trying to impress them with his legitimate authority over them.
Paul acted in Christlike meekness. His power rested in the gospel he preached, not in himself (Ro.1:16).

He did not rely on human strategy and wisdom.
He knew the only power to help in spiritual warfare must be supplied by God.
Because of Paul's humble attitude, the false teachers judged him by his eternal presence.
They thought Paul was timid and unimpressive (v.1, “who in presence am lowly among you”).
They completely missed the power of God that endowed his ministry.
They only evaluated Paul's ministry “according to the flesh” (v.3), and not by the Spirit.
Believers must not fight spiritual battles with weapons of the flesh. We must abandon carnal methods altogether.

The walls of Jericho illustrate spiritual victory through God not man.
When God's people followed His word the walls of Jericho fell (Joshua 6).
Humanly speaking the whole episode seemed absurd.
But chooses the foolish things of this world to shame the strong (1Co.1:27).
The massive walls of Jericho collapsed in an instant by the mighty hand of God.
In the same way, faithful obedience to God's word can pull down spiritual strongholds.

Thoughts that are contrary to God's word are like a mental wall of resistance— a stronghold if you will.
In the Corinthian church pride and intellectualism had exalted their thinking and blinded them to the truth.
The believer’s approach to pulling down strongholds is to present the truth of God’s Word and let the Holy Spirit reshape the other person’s thoughts, heart attitudes, and perceptions (He.4:12).
The spiritual weapons for pulling down strongholds include the Word, prayer, showing love and humility, the armor of God, and the Spirit working in our lives.
The key to spiritual victory is relying on God's power and not our own.
Pastor Tom Elseroad


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