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  2021-05-04 The Fruit of the Womb Is A Reward (Ps.127:3)      
    Psa 127:3 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Psalm 127 is known as a song of ascents. That is, it was sung during the feasts as pilgrims traveled to Jerusalem.
This was written by Solomon.
This Psalm has two parts (1) without God labors are in vain (v.1-2); (2) Children are a heritage from the Lord (v.3-5).
Solomon states that houses do not get built unless the Lord blesses the efforts (Ps.127:1a)
Cities are not protected unless the Lord guards them (Ps.127:1b)

Rising early and retiring late is pointless unless God blesses the efforts in between (v.2).
God can bless His people even while they sleep (v.2).
So, human endeavors are only of value if engaged with God in mind and with His blessing.
Likewise, the pursuit of bearing and rearing children is only fulfilled if God blesses.
Children are not ultimately the product of human effort, but “children are a heritage (or gift) from the Lord.”
The fruit of the womb is a reward granted by God (Ps.127:3b).

Terms like “heritage” and “reward” are overtones of God's promise to Abraham to make his offspring like the dust of the earth and stars of heaven (Ge.13:16; 15:15).
Solomon compares the children of one’s youth to arrows in the hands of a warrior (Ps.127:4).
The warrior sends arrows skillfully toward their target in hopes that they will hit their mark.
Solomon’s expectation is that those arrows will hit their target, as the man who has many arrows is blessed (Ps.127:5).
Those who have children will always have someone to stand with them (Ps.127:5b).
In Solomon's day, grown children normally cared for their parents in their old age.
They would defend them as the parents became increasingly dependent and vulnerable.

Jacob's life illustrates that “children are a heritage from the Lord.”
His wife Rachel was childless, yet she demanded of Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!” (Ge.30:1).
Jacob gave a rhetorical response, “Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?”
Rachel eventually gave birth, and it was because “God listened to her and opened her womb” (Ge.30:22).
Likewise, Eve, when she gave birth to her firstborn, recognized that God had provided her the child (Ge.4:1)

The statement that “children are a heritage from the Lord” is an important reminder that even the most significant of human achievements are not actually human achievements—they are divine blessings and gifts from the Creator.
Pastor Tom Elseroad


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Otis Orchards, WA 99027
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