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  2021-05-11 How To Know If You Are A Lukewarm Christian (Re.3:15-16)      
    Rev 3:15 "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
Rev 3:16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

Many understand being “hot” to mean to be on fire for the Lord, and this is good.
Then to be “cold” means you are far from God.

There are some Bible principles of interpretation that will help us understand the meaning here.
1. Principle of Context.
When we take the word “lukewarm” out of its context we may derive almost any idea we want as the meaning of the word.
Notice Jesus says, “I could wish you were cold or hot” (v.15).
Does it seem consistent with the character of God that He wishes that we were spiritually hot, and some spiritually cold?

2. Principle of Cross-Reference.
What does the rest of Scripture say about this topic?
2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
Thus, it is not God's will or desire that anyone should perish.
So, for God to wish for someone to be hot or cold is inconsistent with His character.

3. Principle of Culture.
If you learn about this city of Laodicea, you will understand its position between Hierapolis (to the north) and Colossae (southeast).
In Hierapolis there were hot springs which apparently were heated from hot lava by a nearby mountain.
So the water in Hierapolis was about 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The city was known for its hot springs.
Many believed the water in Hierapolis was medicinal and healing in nature.
But by the time the water flowed from Hierapolis to Laodicea oftentimes it was lukewarm. This was not usable.
Now by the time the water got to Colossae the water was cold. It was great for drinking.

So if you tried to bathe in lukewarm water or tried to drink it, it just did not work very well.
This is why Jesus is saying, “I wish you were useful”.
Cold is good, and hot is good, but in the middle as lukewarm it is not good.
Jesus is saying because you are lukewarm, He wants to vomit you out of His mouth.
So the idea of being a lukewarm Christian has the idea of not being useful to the Lord.
There may be numerous reasons why you are not useful to the Lord.

Ask yourself, Am I being useful to the Lord in my life?
Am I contributing to the work the Lord wants you to do or accomplish? Are you using your spiritual gifts?
Are you active in your local church? If you are not doing these, then sadly you may be a lukewarm Christian.
Jesus wishes you to be useful. He wishes you were cold. He can do something with cold. We can drink that.
Jesus wishes you to be useful. He wishes you were hot. He can do something with hot. We can bathe in that.
But lukewarm is not useful for anyone. Thus, He will vomit you out of His mouth. God wants us to be useful for Him!
Pastor Tom Elseroad


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