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  2021-06-29 What Does, 'I Have Overcome the World' Mean? (Jn.16:33)      
    Joh 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Jesus knew He was going to depart this world, and that difficult times were ahead for His disciples.
This fallen world brings storms of life that are dark and difficult.
Inner peace is only possible through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Fearing for their lives, the disciples would abandon Jesus at the cross (Mt.26:56).
They would be scattered (Mk.14:50; Ac.8:1), arrested (Ac.5:17-21), thrown out of synagogues (Jn.16:2; Ac.13:14-52), and martyred (Ac.7:54-8:3).
So, the words of Jesus, “I have overcome the world” should bring strength to not go astray.

The Greek word “overcome” means 'to win a victory over as in a contest or military conflict.'
The word “world” is the created physical realm here on earth.
Jesus knows that here on this earth we will encounter trouble and sorrow.
But He has overcome the world and every earthly obstacle for us.
What has Jesus overcome for us in this world?

1. Anxiety and Cares.
Jesus gives His followers peace to overcome their troubled hearts (Jn.14:27).
Those who believe on Jesus do not have to live lives with anxious hearts (Jn.14:1).
We experience this peace as we bring every situation to Him in prayer, while depending on Him to meet our needs (Ph.4:6).
The Lord's peace transcends fear and anxiety of this world like a shield set over our minds as we live secure in Jesus (Ph.4:7).

2. Hatred and Persecution.
Christ's victory over the world does not physically remove us from the battle.
We will face the same battle Jesus did (Jn.15:18-20).
If they persecuted Jesus, they would persecute us also.
We overcome the world because we belong to God.
His Spirit lives in us and is “greater than he who is in the world” (1Jn.4:4).

3. Sin and Temptation.
Temptation to sin will always be a part of our lives in this world, but Christ gives us victory over sin.
Before we were saved, we lived “just as the others” of the world (Ep.2:3). We “were dead in trespasses and sins” (Ep.2:1).
Because of God's mercy and love we received new life when Christ was raised from the dead (Ep.2:4-5).
Now we “sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Ep.4:6).
We used to follow the inclinations of the world, but now we are overcomers in Christ
1Jn 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

4. Sorrow and Death.
Death is an inevitable reality for all people.
Through His atoning sacrifice on the cross and subsequent resurrection, Jesus overcame the world by conquering death.
He shares that victory with all who believe in Him as Lord and Savior (1Jn.5:4-5).
Christ’s death grants salvation and eternal life to all who believe in Him.

When Jesus said He overcame the world it includes anxiety, hatred, persecution, sin, temptation, and even death.
The victory we have now will give way to even greater blessings (Re.21:4).
Rev 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.
Pastor Tom Elseroad


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Otis Orchards, WA 99027
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