James — Biblical Introduction |
Two Men Named James |
Paul Rebukes Peter |
Paul Rebukes Peter |
What About Trials |
How-To of Trials |
Trials-Temptations-Contrast |
Trials-Temptations-Mechanics |
James Chapter 1 Outline |
Ja.1:19-21 - Swift Hear |
Hearer vs Doer (1:22-25) |
Elements of the Doer (1:22-27) |
Doers of the Word (1:26-27) |
James 1 Quick Summary |
NT Theme: Faith vs Deception |
Orphans & Widows |
Rich Believers in the Bible |
Impartiality: Theme of Bible |
Impartiality Overview |
Favoritism (2:1-13) |
James 2, Jesus Impartiality |
Favoritism - James 2:1-9 |
Summary, James 2:1-9 |
Law Relationship-Purpose |
Sin-Transgression-Iniquity |
Paul-James: Tension Verses |
Paul-James: Tension Explained |
Paul Compare James Faith |
Paul Compare James Verses |
3 Kinds of Faith (Ja.2:14-26) |
Faith: What It Is - Is Not |
Faith: Justification - Works |
Paul and Works |
James 3 Outline |
James: Control the Tongue |
Tongue: Sovereign-Human Paradox |
Tongue in Every Chapter |
Tongue: Blasting or Blessing |
Wisdom - Understanding |
Wisdom Literature Types |
James 3:13-18 Outline |
James 3:17 Logic |
James 4:1-10 Outline |
Judging 2 Types |
Your Motives in Judging |
Judging Principle (5 Page) |
Judging Principles (2 Page) |
4 Attitudes: Will of God |
Wealthy Wicked (Ja.5:1-6) |
Godly Wealth Purposes |
Patience in Suffering (Ja.5:7-12) |
James 5:13-20 Outline |